3L Foundation

Happy Birthday, Pam!



The three of us are together again. Just in time to celebrate Pam’s birthday.

Yesterday, I flew into Bangkok and took my customary hour and a half road trip to Pattaya. I was really looking forward to seeing my friends and the festivities of Pam’s birthday party that awaited.

I arrived out at the CPDC to find Ashley in passing gear in efforts to video everyone in the village describing why they love Pam. Upon seeing each other, a wonderful embrace between the both of us diminished the thousands of miles of distance and anticipation to nothing. I tried my hand at reading a John O’Donohue blessing for a birthday for my video contribution for Pam’s video, but it just came out wrong–I’ll blame that on the jet lag. Ashley graciously allowed me to record another take with my own words.

Although I was so tired I couldn’t see straight, I was able to convey some comments of why I love Pam. But since I wasn’t able to recite it all on the spot, I can say here that Pam is a noble soul with a heart made of some material more precious than gold. To see someone come to a place of belonging and calling is to see someone come home. Pam is clearly at home here with these kids and inspiration is prolific in her energy, which she shares with all in abundance. What’s not to love?

After I wrapped up my big scene in front of Ashley’s camera, Pam came around the corner with her entourage of fans and I got more practice at an embrace with a friend. After a few minutes of catching up, everyone got to work. Ashley worked with P’Lam to put the video together on her Mac in the office sala, I unpacked my cameras and began walking about looking for the incredible beauty that surrounded me in happiness and Pam provided reception of attention from the kids’ love and energy.

As I walked around, I saw all my old friends with a smile upon their faces. The gracious folded hand greeting and a smile met me from every soul I came upon. It was good to see them again and it was all so familiar and welcoming that it was as though I had never left.

The kids grouped soon to begin the evening feast. A huge cookout was ready for us to enjoy. It did have to wait a few more minutes while Pam was placed at the center of the court to be the recipient of gifts. Some of them were in material form like the lovely roses and brightly colored boxes of items of affection. The greatest gift these kids gave is their love and expression, pure and authentic. Pam of course received it all by a gracious and grateful heart. To know how to receive the expressions and desires of kindness and love is a gift you give to those who offer you their heart in the first place. Pam is a graceful standard of this receptive presence.

Pam spoke in gratitude and from her heart to thank the kids for their generosity. She told them of the paramount importance everyone there was to her and that her loyalty and commitment to them was incorruptible. The happiest times of her life are spent with these kids and she made sure they knew that. Listen to her words below and you will know how lucky we all are to know her and have her in our lives.

Two wonderful cakes with mesmerizing colors and decorations were presented and lit candle warm glow illuminated the faces and smile of everyone gathered around the table. Happy Birthday was sung and everyone soaked up for a few moments the beauty of the moment.

After a prayer of gratitude, the feast began and an array of food brought the spirit and body alike in fellowship to a place of contentment. After the meal, several kids got up in wonderful expressions of dance. Some were Thai traditional dances, others were extemporaneous and spontaneous to modern music. Pam even wrapped up the dancing with jumping in herself to be cheered on by everyone.

Following the dancing, Ashley’s amazing video was shown. Her efforts to do this were really impressive. Everyone got their moment to express what she means to them. Clearly moved by the experience, Pam soaked up the moment with a wonderful expression of peace.

A reunion of the three of us couldn’t have been better. To be a part of these great experiences is really beyond descriptive powers. But if you know Pam, you already know that. We are blessed to have her in our lives and on the anniversary of her coming into this life, we celebrate the gift that was given to us all.