3L Foundation

Pam and Ashley, Back in Thailand



Pam and Ashley are back in Thailand! While I continue to recover from some health issues, I remain back here in as Mission Control-Ohio for their adventures. The dining sala is done and Pam and Ashley are really looking forward to getting there to see it now in use as a daily temple of nourishment and fellowship. As I began finalizing this entry, Ashley texted me that she and Pam made it safely to Thailand and they are pretty exhausted, yet enthusiastic to wake up after a refreshing night’s sleep to head to Pattaya and visit the kids.

The completion of the dining sala has given us many gifts in return. The satisfaction of knowing we set out to do what we intended to do is one. Seeing a safe, beautiful and spiritually inspiring place for the kids to eat and gather is yet another. And while the sala’s operation and upkeep is something that will continue to be a priority with 3L Foundation, the sala has given us other gifts. One is that it has established a foundation for us in Thailand for future endeavors. As a symbol of realized commitment and an embodiment of love, we can now begin to look beyond our first steps to see what is over the next horizon.

While the dining sala began to come to fruition this last year, seeds of possibility, need and calling were planted in us all. Two little girls who were resigned to a live of struggle and decay in the slums came to our attention on the last trip. While little could be done for them at the time, Pam and Ashley have been making arrangements and attempts to help these children even while we are away from them back in the U.S. As they grow, more possibilities can be explored and that is just what Pam and Ashley will be doing this time around. Spending time at the slums is important to us. While the slum is a dark place in spirit, the efforts of love can not be overcome by the relentless decay of discouragement. Pam and Ashley will be working with these little girls and those who care about them as well as others in the slums to find ways to help begin to break the cycle of poverty and neglect that seem to perpetuate there. The slums are an embodiment of the energy and spirit radiating from each illusion that each soul sees as deserved and inescapable.

This trip, we will all be doing our part to understand the situation intimately and begin to find ways to give people a way to escape a future of no future. We can help those who are capable and wanting a better way. In essence, we are trying to be of service to those who are wanting in their hearts to escape a life of nothing less than slavery, be their master drugs, the sex trade, ignorance, or other demons. All come from wounds that have yet to be healed. 3L’s mission is to let those we find in darkness know:

That they Learn how priceless and cherished they are;

That they Laugh in joy and fellowship despite the decay that surrounds them;

That they fear no risk of Love, given or received.

With these things, we work to create an environment where these things will happen in many lives. We hope you will continue to follow along with this adventure as well as we show you what we learn, what we see, where our hearts take us and what our next calling in Thailand will be. More to come soon. Thank so much for your involvement.