3L Foundation

Thai Time & Dining Sala Details



One of the best things about coming here is that each trip’s contents can be almost identical, the same faces, places, yummy food, comings and goings, but each trip is incomparable to the next… Each one so special and different.

My first three weeks here with the children were nothing short of spectacular.  I can’t point to any individual reason for why my time has felt SO great, but I  felt as though I was 11 years old again, falling in love with the kids, the culture, all of what it is be here, for the very first time.  Trust that I have soaked in every awesome moment of this, but even more importantly, I have been reminded of how grateful I am to my parents for introducing me to this wonderful part of my life.  Were it not for their love for me and dedication to experiencing the world and its crazy contents with their children, I would never have known this place and it’s incredible joy.  I believe whole heartedly that we are a compilation of each and every “journey” we make. It could be as simple as a trip to the grocery store or an adventure around the world, and the change to our lives can be big and momentous, small and insignificant, for the good, and sometimes to our detriment.   With the number of journeys I have made to Thailand being in the double digits and spanning over 15 years the list of things that have come as a result of my time here is pretty extensive… At the top of that very long list for me though, is amazing  sense of purpose in life, love, and joy… SO..  Thank you Mom and Dad for this, and all that you have given me. I am eternally grateful that you introduced me to this incredible “journey”.

I spent my first weeks flying solo and totally dedicated to being a “kon Thai” or Thai person.  I can say that spending all of my time with ONLY Thais did wonders for my grasp of the language (or as the kids call it “Pee Ashaley Thai”).  In addition, being a “real” Thai person means being totally flexible and fluid with your days, hours, and minutes… There is no REAL schedule or even sense of time and each day takes on its own unique persona.  In many ways, this can be refreshing and relaxing, but what you also have to take into consideration is that because time is so irrelevant, before you know it,  a day has totally escaped you and your not sure where it’s gone… You’re pretty sure that a “full” day could not only consisted of breakfast, a trip to the market, getting some gas which led to sitting and talking with a couple of local dudes for almost 4 hours (yes hours!) and hanging with the kids… But indeed it was a day of mine, but more that full it was fulfilling.

While I know this has affected the amount of time I have had to do important things like getting you all pictures, stories, etc. and I do apologize, but I can honestly say there hasn’t been a single opportunity, sweet moment, or request, or offer that has passed me by this trip. I have spent less time thinking and planning and all of my time just doing and enjoying. It’s pretty awesome to have spent all that time in the throws of one arbitrary event leading to the next… SO great!!

My time with the kids, as always has been  simply sweet and oh so joyous.  As you can imagine, with my deepened understanding of the language, comes a deeper sense of trust and stronger relationships with the children, especially the older kids.   I love being able to answer questions the teenage girls have about “growing up”, and also teasing the boys for having crushes on the girls at school.  Though I will say that some of the kids have found themselves in an embarrassing moment more than once when Pee Ashaley has understood something they said that was, well let’s just say, meant for their friends ears only!!

Watching the children mature and change is so fantastic , but they are not the only things growing and taking new shape here… With almost all the buildings nearing completion, the village is entirely changed from what it was only a year ago.  Without question though, the most stunning structure on the land, 3L’s Dining Sala, is just weeks away from having these  deserving little kids taking their meals under it’s tall and grand roof.

It’s been a month full of decisions for the Dining Sala. Everything from tile, to wood stain, to tables, chairs, grout color, and kitchen equipment… Whew we have been busy with all sort of crazy details! From day one though, when Pam turned to me and said “Let’s build the dining sala”, one “detail”  has always been totally clear for both of us:  The sala will be safe, and clean, but also BEAUTIFUL and unlike any other building on the property.   I can’t believe I am saying this, (and so SOON!) but, it’s all coming together!  Nothing gives us more pride and sense of purpose than having had the chance to literally watch this dream for the kids, for OUR kids, come true.  It’s really beyond words.

We hope you all will enjoy seeing the progress we have made in just mere months, and follow the final stages of this magnificent structure come to be…  While we are nearing the finish line, there is still a lot to be done before the sala is ready to serve these hungry little ones! As always, we are so grateful for any and all support!

Please look forward to an update soon (a week or two) on 3L’s new shopping cart.  You will be able to make direct donations to the foundation as well support the kids through purchasing various items needed for their day to day, or special things like birthday gifts!  Once the finishing touches are put on the dining sala’s structure, you also can help us by purchasing other essential items for the building..  Tables, chairs, plates, ovens, refrigerators, this list goes on and on as you can imagine…

While this journey is coming to a close for us, trust that we carry you all with us and look forward to sharing more joy soon!